Thursday, March 17, 2011

Mom & Her Absenses at School

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It is fascinating how fast the time has passed by. Soon I will turn 31. lol I talked to mom recently and nothing much most of the questions she asked were about my health. First question she asks me every time I call her is " Do you get some exercise?" I will always roll my eyes when she asks me that.

And she continues saying, " I just want you to be healthy and you have no one out there who would take care of you if you get sick. I live too far half the world from you."

My mom she rarely get sick. When she got sick, she always in the hospital bed.

Every time I  get to call her she is always at school teaching & one of her responsibility is also being a class adviser for trouble kids.

We talked a lot when we got on the phone together in various topics. My mom is like my friend. She is my best friend I would say that.

Last week I asked her if she ever missed teaching at school. She replied," I never missed school, but if I missed that day it means I have no money for the bus."

I continued asking," well, your school is near our house, you could just walk, couldn't you?"
Mom replied, " Yes I could walk to the school that I am teaching at now but when you girls were young the school I was teaching at was over 50 miles away."

I paused and thought of how many times we've seen her missed teaching at her school. well, I remember that she used to not go to school for a week for one time and for a couple month for another time.

The first time that happened was when she allergic to some kind of medication. It was when I put my mission paper in. All of her body (eyes, ears, palms, legs, feet. back neck, etc.) was covered with red hives. she got swollen. She felt itchy everywhere. It was devastating to me to see her like that. She said she could take her eyes out if she could. It was the first time that she said she didn't want to live. The hives had been on her that bad for a week that she won't be able to open her eyes because of the hives and the itchiness. and the week after it was decreasing. That was when she didn't go to teach for a week.

The second time was when I was back visiting Thailand in 2008. She has Herniated discs. At first, the doctor couldn't figure out what actually happened to her back hurt. They kept giving her pain killers and massage therapy at the hospital. but it didn't help.

Oh I forget to mention that I was in Chiang Mai most of the time when I visited Thailand. Before I came back to the States I planned to come visit my parents for 2 weeks before I left the country. the 1st week mom was so happy to see me. The second week, mom could walk and vomited blood. We admitted her into the hospital. She vomited blood because of a severe ulcer. We didn't know what to do. Dad went back to the clinic to see my mom Doctor. and explained everything to him. The doctor recommended him to have mom do MRI. We decided that she should do that since she don't know what happened to her back. and MRI result showed that she has 3 Herniated discs. Well, now my dad needed to make a big decision if he wanted mom to do the surgery. He did make he decision to have her having a surgery. Her surgery was successful. She had knots on her spinal to prevent Herniated discs. That was when she missed teaching at school for a month because she couldn't worked. 

Well, to make it short, I am grateful to be a daughter of my mom. She is my super mom! 

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